Archive for Term: Time | Beginning | End

Why Nature has a dimension of temporality, in other words transience, we do not know. We can think of an individual life span as being contained and measured out in an hour glass.

Each one of us is assigned a personal hour glass, more or less filled with sand. No one is consulted at the moment of assignment. No one can stop the sand of his life span trickling away. Stone upon stone, hour upon hour, day upon day.

‘World time’ could also be meant in these paintings. As through an hour glass, the centuries, millennia, billennia fall upon an accumulated heap of lived-through time, of past cosmic history.

Man is privy to only the most minuscule part of it all, because he did not yet exist.

Showing 1–12 of 22 results

  • A cycle of time, 1995

    A cycle of time, 1995
  • Allotted time, 2000

    Allotted time, 2000
  • Are we the last?, 2019

    Are we the last?, 2019
  • At the white gate, 2008

    At the white gate, 2008
  • Autumn (4 paintings), 1993

  • End and beginning, 1994

    End and beginning, 1994
  • Landscape, like a life, 2012

  • Life dares it, 2019

    Life dares it, 2019
  • Loss of time, 2018

    Loss of time, 2018
  • Power of life, 2019

    Power of life, 2019
  • Spring (4 paintings), 1993

  • Summer (4 paintings), 1993

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