Archive for Term: Water

The whole of Nature needs water to live. Whether it comes down as rain from the clouds, flows from a spring or collects in a well – agriculture and animal husbandry is totally dependent on water.

Given this importance and that the human embryo develops in its mothers ‘waters’, it was natural that in many creation myths water should symbolize the earliest beginning of all being.

Flowing water can symbolize the flux of time in which we find ourselves. A river comes from somewhere and goes somewhere, it has a beginning and an end.

See chapterl ‘Exhibitons’, ‘2010 Bad Wildungen’ The six paintigns presented there are marked with ‘WIL’.

Showing 1–12 of 28 results

  • A cycle of time, 1995

    A cycle of time, 1995
  • An old tree, 2012

    An old tree, 2012
  • At the fountain of time, 2000

  • At the last spring, 2007

  • At the source of forgetting, 2008

  • Fleeting memory, 2000

    Fleeting memory, 2000
  • Flowing memory, 2000

    Flowing memory, 2000
  • Forced into the polarity, 2008

  • Fountain of hope, 2019

    Fountain of hope, 2019
  • Fruit fountain, 1999

    Fruit fountain, 1999
  • Gift of water, 2000

    Gift of water, 2000
  • Landscape, like a life, 2012

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