Title: Elapsing and becoming
Technique: Oil on Canvas
Year: 2018
Dimensions: 60 x 50 cm (H x W)
About the artwork
The center of the painting is an old and a new tree. This dried up old tree with a hollow trunk and perforated branches stands on a rock. A young tree has grown into this dead tree and thus supports the old tree – and the old tree protects the young tree until it is fully grown and causes the old tree to burst from the inside out. A small bird sits on a root on the left edge of the picture. A summer landscape is behind the two trees. The picture has a custom-made model frame and is signed and dated on the front and back.
– Siegbert Hahn
Nature has a secret in it. It is the secret of life
Elapsing and becoming, 2018
by Siegbert Hahn, Germany8.200,00 €
Title: Elapsing and becoming
Technique: Oil on Canvas
Year: 2018
Dimensions: 60 x 50 cm (H x W)
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